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LUCIA light installation in Hamburg: pedestrian tunnel in a new light

LUCIA logo in front of the river Elbe

The pedestrian underpass “Schröders Elbchaussee Tunnel” in the borough of Hamburg-Altona connects the “Elbschlossstraße” and the Elbe bank. Since 1984 it can be used by pedestrians and cyclists to reach the river Elbe, without crossing the street. For the LUCIA project, the tunnel was staged with a lighting installation to explore its different effects. The team of the light planning bureau ULRIKE BRANDI LICHT created five individual sectors, equipped with various kinds of illumination, lighting colours and directions.


Passers-by and interested citizens could walk through and observe the different situations. The participants were then asked to leave their opinion in a written survey. The emphasis was placed on the feeling of security, visual comfort and the created atmosphere. Many cyclists and pedestrians participated spontaneously and had an exciting exchange with the lighting experts. Especially for families and kids the light installation gave an interesting possibility to explore their perceptions.

The light installation and the survey are part of a feasibility study for an innovative and alternative lighting-concept along the Elbe trail and the cycle track. The experience and opinions serve as an important basis fort the analysis. The interactive participation process is online until 8 August 2020 on

konsalt and ULRIKE BRANDI LICHT were responsible for the concept, organization and the participation process on behalf of the Borough of Hamburg-Altona.